Best Nikon D3 12.1MP FX Reviews

Nikon D3 vs Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III ISO Comparison

Michael Reichmann of Luminous Landscape did a write up about the Nikon D3 and Canon 1Ds Mark III not long ago. He tested both cameras’ high ISO capabilities during Jay Maisel’s seminar. “Both cameras produced ISO 1600 images of astonishing quality”

“Both cameras produced ISO 1600 images of astonishing quality”

“I see comparable resolving power and clarity (not absolute resolution, of course), and at least a one stop noise advantage to the new Nikon. Possibly there's a bit more shadow detail in the Canon frame though (look at the iris). ”

A print of Canon 1Ds Mark III done by Michael Reichmann found out that in a 16X20" print none of the artifacts seen in the 100% crop above is visible, and noise is extremely low. My opinion is that since it is so, the same goes to Nikon D3. In addition, the Nikon D3 at ISO 6400 should be able to deliver decent print out too as its noise performance is 1-stop better than the Canon 1Ds Mark III.

I brought up this article is not to determine either Canon or Nikon is a better camera but to show that any prints that is below 16X20” with ISO3200 and below by either cameras shall produce extremely low noise. So whenever you need to shoot in low light, simply bump your ISO to 3200 with nothing to worry. - Nikon D3 vs Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III ISO Comparison

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